Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Reg. Log Shipping.

I have configured a log shipping on one of my Database.
Both the two jobs i.e. copy log and resotre log jobs run successfully
on the destination machines without any problem but I dont see any
logs copied on the destination machine.
1.Initially I had a job which used to take the transaction log
backup ,I thought this might be the reason as all the transaction are
getting backed up log shipping copy job is not getting any transaction
log to copy to the destination server.
2.But after disabling the transaction log backup job also samething is
happening i.e. log shipping copy and restore job is running
successfully but i dont see anything copied or resotred.
I must be doing something wrong but dont know whats that..
Please help.
Are you sure that job was running? Have you looked at view job history?
"Sudhir" <> wrote in message
>I have configured a log shipping on one of my Database.
> Both the two jobs i.e. copy log and resotre log jobs run successfully
> on the destination machines without any problem but I dont see any
> logs copied on the destination machine.
> 1.Initially I had a job which used to take the transaction log
> backup ,I thought this might be the reason as all the transaction are
> getting backed up log shipping copy job is not getting any transaction
> log to copy to the destination server.
> 2.But after disabling the transaction log backup job also samething is
> happening i.e. log shipping copy and restore job is running
> successfully but i dont see anything copied or resotred.
> I must be doing something wrong but dont know whats that..
> Please help.
> Thanks
> Sudhir

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