Friday, March 30, 2012

Regarding dimension renaming in AS2005 while migrtion


My datamart has used dots in the dimension name. i.e. I have following dimensions

Users.Sales1 and Users.Sales2.

Currently my application has 2 cubes: Sales1 and Sales2.

Cube Sales1 is assocated with
"Parent Child" dimension Users.Sales1
which is based on view vw_Users_Sales1

Cube Sales2 is assocated with
"Parent Child" dimension Users.Sales2
which is based on view vw_Users_Sales2

Now when I am trying migration wizard, I am getting following dimensions

Users.Sales1 and Users1.Sales2.

Is there some way I can retain the existing naming convension?

And If not them what is the best convension or what will

will be the best possible to handle this scenario.

There are other dimensions as well which are getting renamed like this.

So I will like to know how others are handling this.

Thanks In Advance,


The dimension model was changed in 2005. In 2000, you could have dimensions based off different tables that shared a common dimension name. The intention behind this was to support multiple hierarchies for the same dimension, but each one was still implemented as a seperate dimension, they just shared a common root name (Users, in your case).

2005 can now support multiple hierachies in the same dimension. However, they need to come from the same table or view. Since, in your case, they are comming from two different views, the wizard is creating two seperate dimensions. And you since you can't have two dimensions with the same name, the wizard is renaming one of them.

|||John is right, you might find that you are able to create a view or a named query as a quick way to join these tables together.

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