Friday, March 30, 2012

Regarding Collation for mirroring & Error 1418

Can I know is it possible that if the database servers' collation in both principal and mirror server might unable to get the mirroring? Because one of database collation is Latin1_General_CI_AS while another server (mirror) is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. I did several type of troubleshooting but still unable to solve the Error 1418. All the ports are stated as started, able to use telnet to connect to the server's port but still unable to get a connection for the database mirroring. I do really need help on it. Thx for the assistance and kindness.

Best Regards,


Hello Hans,

Database mirroring is the copy of your data syncronous or assyncronous, when you do the copy of data between database with collation different occurs the error: Cannot resolve the collation conflict.

I believe your error is the same.

Try build the database mirroring with the same Collation on Source and destination.

For start the database mirroring you need restore the database in destination with the NORECOVERY option.

Good Luck!



Hello Fernandes,

Thanx for the reply and your information. I guess I forgot to give an useful information regarding this issue. Actually the database collation that I mention is wrong , suppose to be the server's collation (inside server properties). Both servers' collation are different which are Latin1_General_CI_AS and SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. However, the database (AdventureWorks) that used for mirroring is the same collation for principal and mirror. Is there any conflict as well ? I did try on using NORECOVERY when I restored it into the mirror server. All the steps I just follow which stated in BOL. Can we discuss through msn messenger anyway? Hope to hear from you soon again. Thx again and have a nice day.




Hello Hans,

Server's collation different not problem, because database mirroring work inside the database.

Both SQL Server running with same domain account?

Do you restore your database in mirror with the NORECOVERY option?

Can we discuss through msn messenger anyway?

Ok, send invite for me:

But I live in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.

Where do you live? What your timezone?



Oic, means Collation will not causing the problem then. Domain account? Is it 'Log on as ' Local Systemn, Local Service and Network Service?

Yup , the database that i restored in mirror database is usinfg the NORECOVERY option. Ok , let's discuss through msn then. I already added u into my msn list. I am from Malaysia (Asia) , GMT+8. Hope able to meet up with u thru msn then. See ya and have a nice day. :)



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