Friday, March 30, 2012

regarding datamigration using ssis packages


Currently i am working with data migration using SSIS packages.

i would like to load the data from the flat file to database(siebel).

But i need three extra columns which are not there in flat file to load into the database.

the columns are as follows.

1.ROW_BATCHfixed value(eg:100)

2.ROW_ID-(should be unique just like a sequence)

3.ROW_STATfixed value(string)

The flatfile columns along with the above specified columns should be loaded into the siebel database using SSIS package.

please help me.

You can use a Script-Component in the DataFlow-Task:

1. Drag and configure a Flat-File-Connector to a DataFlow-Task.

2. Drag a Scrip-Component to your DataFlow-Task and select transformation.

3. Connect the Output of your Flat-File-Connector to thr Script-Component.

4. Double-Click the Script-Component and select thr Input and Outputs

5. Add 2 new columns. The new column Fix has the DataType string. The new column ID has the DataTyp [DT_i4].

6 Navigate to the Script tab and Click Design Script.

7. Edit your Script:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent
Dim id As Integer = 0

Public Overrides Sub Input_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As InputBuffer)
Row.Fix = "123"
id = id + 1
Row.ID = id
End Sub

End Class

8. Connect the Output of the Script-Component to your destination.

|||thanks loom , thank u very much for your help

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