Friday, March 30, 2012

Regarding Custom Code using table or list control(data set)

I have the report like this






table header

table fields

table footer



now i want to calculate the sum of one field in table when it contains particular value using CUSTOM CODE ONLY

and i want to display it in table footer. please send me answer to this id as soon as possible.


Sateesh Maduri

Maybe I'm missing something, but couldn't you just use a conditional aggregation expression like the following in the table footer:

=Sum(iif(Fields!A.Value = "abc", CInt(Fields!B.Value), 0))

-- Robert


Hello Robert

Actually I already know that what u have given using sum().But I need Custom Code for that ,I mean if I have a dataset which fills the data in the table control How should I write Custom Code to calculate sum of one field when it contains particular value.



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