Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reducing the size of the transaction log file

At this time I am only playing with the applications that generate the data and send it to the database. Without doing too much, and with deleting most data tables that were created, my transaction log file has grown over a gigabyte. I tried using the SQL server management studio (express) to shrink the database (tried shrinking files, too) but that did not make the file smaller. Right now there is hardly any data in the database (6 tables, a dozen columns and rows each) so it must be old transactions that are kept in the log. How do I get rid of the old data and make the file size smaller? Thanks.

I had the same issue yesterday, i had to, Backup the log file then use shrink, backup one moore time and shrink.|||1. Check your database 'Recovery Model', set it according to your requirement.
2. Make a backup plan matching your data sensitivity & requirement as well as schedule it.
3. Plan Log backup along with Log Truncate option.

Refer Books OnLine from SQL Query Analyzer.|||Thank you very much!

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