Hi all,
Normally I would be using SSAS but our finance department make use of Hyperion Essbase. I was wondering whether it was possible to upload data into an Essbase cube using SSIS in the same way that you can use the Analysis Services processing task? I realise there are no specific task for Essbase, but are there any suggestions about what would be the best way of going about this?
Phew, not sure about this one. Is there an API for Hyperion? if so, perhaps you could call it from a Script Task?
|||Even less sure, but is there an OLE-DB provider which could be use?|||
I suggest asking on the Hyperion Developer network. http://dev.hyperion.com/
If it is possible to update a cube using Visual Basic .Net, then you can do this using script in SSIS. It should be possible through their API: http://dev.hyperion.com/techdocs/essbase/essbase_61/Docs/api/api_vb/mavb/homemav.htm
In the future, there will be tighter integration between SSIS and Hyperion. http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2006/apr06/04-25HyperionBIPR.mspx
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